Exam Questions

Allow 1.6 minutes per mark. I.e. Approx 5 minutes for 3 mark question and 8 minutes for 5 mark question.

  1. Outline THREE differences between the lactic acid and aerobic energy systems (3 marks) 2011 Trial paper
  2. Compare the two anaerobic energy systems (5 marks) 2014 HSC
  3. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic training and the relevant training methods used to improve performance. Provide examples. (8 marks) 2014 Trial paper
  4. How can THREE principles of training be applied to improve strength? Provide examples. (6 marks) 2012 HSC
  5. Outline THREE physiological adaptations in response to aerobic training. (3 marks) 2010 HSC
  6. How can flexibility improve athletic performance? (3 Marks) 2015 HSC Exam


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